A Body Weight Workout For EVERYONE

The time has come.... You want to get in shape but you're not ready to part ways with your hard earned money for a gym membership.
So what do you do?
Well, fortunately for you, you don't need to spend a ridiculous amount of money just to watch some massive fella grunt at himself in the mirror. You can workout from anywhere you like.
All you need is some motivation and a nice big bottle of water.
So let's jump straight in. The exercises below should be carried out in a circuit (One exercise after the other) and repeated 3 times. Try to get through a whole circuit without stopping for a break. You should only try to rest between each round. If this is too easy for you, try to go all 3 rounds without stopping. DONT'T WORRY if you're struggling, this means that you have a goal you can work towards.
Before you start your routine, remember to warm up!!! Below are a few suggestions to get your heart pumping.
Punches & Kicks
Sprinting on the spot
Running up and down the stairs
Make sure that you don't wear yourself out. The hard work hasn't started yet.
35 Jumping Jacks
20 Second Plank
10 Dumbell Rows (Use a large bootle of water)
20 Walking Lunges (10 on each leg)
15 Push Ups
20 Bodyweight Squats
Repeat 2 more times.
I recommend doing this routine 3 times a week. This will give your muscles plenty of time to rebuild themselves and repair.